This and That Money Tips

This and That Money Tips


I learned long ago that there are wise money moves. 

Several that have always bubble to the top of my list include:

  • Always buy the best you can afford and take good care of it.

  • It’s money foolishness to consistently replace things that should have a long shelf life.

  • Understand what your tax obligations are projected to be early in the year, not at the
    last minute.

  • And when it comes to what influences you and your financial attitudes, do some probing. 

  • Is it your family history, or could it be your peers? 

  • Could it be a trauma that had financial implications?

  • Could it be a business closing or a failure that has impacted you? 

What about you? What are sayings and practices that have influenced you in the past and are ones that you follow?

Patricia Lane Williams CPA is the author of Your Money: How to Get Hold of Your Money Before Debt Gets Hold of You. As a trusted resource for the accounting profession for over 30 years providing content for their continuing education. Her website is and she can be reached at